速報APP / 生產應用 / Sleepless Browser

Sleepless Browser



檔案大小:40.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

Sleepless Browser(圖1)-速報App

The Sleepless Browser allows you to browse the web without the engagement of your iPhone's automatic lock.

We recommend it to user who is surfing the internet in the bed before sleeping.

You can avoid from the annoying unlock operation.

While using a site that updates in real time (for viewing stock updates, locations, SNS messages, etc.) have you ever been annoyed that your screen has automatically locked after you've taken your eyes away from it for only a moment?

Your iPhone's lock will never engage while the Sleepless Browser application is running, allowing you to browse freely without any interruption in your display.

You can, of course, turn off or extend the time of your automatic lock by changing your iPhone's settings...but you can also forget to reset your settings and find yourself with a dead battery while you have one or another application open and your lock fails to engage.

Your iPhone's automatic lock will never engage while the Sleepless Browser application is displayed on screen, but the automatic lock will resume its function in accordance with your settings as soon as another application is activated, helping you to avoid unexpected depletion your battery.

Sleepless Browser is recommended for...

- Users of websites that update in real time.

- Developers of websites that update in real time (for formal verification).

Sleepless Browser(圖2)-速報App

- Users of websites that continuously transmit electronic news and messages.

- Developers of websites that continuously transmit electronic news and messages (for formal verification).


- When the Sleepless Browser is activated, your iPhone will not lock as long as the application is displayed on screen. (Clicking the lock button, however, will engage the lock.)

- Sleepless Browser allows you to choose your homepage so that you'll have immediate access to the website you frequent the most as soon as the application is activated.

- When you use UI Lock function, It prevents accidental operation.

- You can easily access to the site by QR code.

- You can change the brightness that helps to save your battery.

- If your device has a flash light, you can turn on the light.


Sleepless Browser(圖3)-速報App

- Your iPhone's automatic lock will not engage while you are using Sleepless Browser, resulting in a more rapid depletion of your battery. It is recommended that you use the Sleepless Browser application with your iPhone connected to a power source.

Sleepless Browser(圖4)-速報App
